Charges for Top 15 codes
Code | Description | Dollar
Amount |
99213 | Established Office Visits | $134 |
90471 | Single Immunization Administration | $29 |
90472 | Multiple Immunization Administration | $46 |
99177 | Vision Screen: Welch Allyn | $35 |
92551 | Hearing Screening | $21 |
99391 | Established Infant Preventative Health Care | $168 |
99394 | Established (12-17 YRS) Preventative Health Care | $ 194 |
96110 | Developmental Screening | $44 |
99392 | Established (1-4 YRS) Preventative Health Care | $184 |
99214 | Established Office Visit | $202 |
36416 | Heel/Finger Stick | $17 |
99393 | Established (5-11 YRS) Preventative Health Care | $184 |
90670 | Prevnar 13 | $205 |
90647 | Pedvax Hib | $64 |
90723 | Pediarix | $96 |
**Pediatric Associates offers discounts and sliding fee scale for those who qualify and pay at time of service.**